🧨 Booooom! Learn Handball Coaches Cannon Numbers

🧨 Booooom! Learn Handball Coaches Cannon Numbers

When we founded Learn Handball in 2016, we had one big dream: to make it easy to be a kids' handball coach!

We can proudly announce an incredible 36,000 logins of children's handball coaches in Learn Handball in January 2023.

Learn Handball has like what you in:

  • Increase coaching skills, especially in the youngest teams
  • Making it easier for clubs to recruit more coaches

Therefore, we are equally proud to announce that:

  • Our largest user group is: Coaches 6-12 years
  • Our most frequent feedback is: It is easier to recruit new coaches with Learn Handball.

Our dream has not changed and the hunger to make a difference to the sport of width, if possible, is greater than ever. We wish you all the best for the rest of the season!

Learn Handball


Marzo 3, 2023

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