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Overdraft - When the damage has occurred

Overdraft - When the damage has occurred

Severe overtraction can be very painful and treatment should start immediately.

To reduce pain, limit the extent of the injury and provide the best possible basis for a good and rapid rehabilitation, we encourage you to follow the PRICE principle for ankle sprains.


If the foot or ankle is visibly misaligned, contact an emergency room/doctor immediately for assessment.
NOTE: Do not attempt to correct it!

Treatment for overtraction:

Take the athlete off the field and start PRICE treatment immediately. Read more about the PRICE protocol here.

  • Restrict movement of the injured area. Use caution when removing shoes and socks.
  • Support bandage/compression. Compression is the most important thing of all.
  • Use an ice bag for 15-20 min, in two rounds
  • Place the ankle higher than the heart
  • Avoid straining your ankle for the first 24 hours. Use crutches if necessary.

Return to normal movement and gradually increase the load as soon as possible. Swelling and pain are indicators of how much load you can put on your ankle in the days following a severe overuse injury.

Cycle on an exercise bike with zero load (15-20 min daily). Provides mobility in the ankle. This promotes the healing process.

A little pain is not dangerous, but increased swelling puts too much strain on the ankle. Regulate the load.

November 20, 2023
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